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Show Off Your Hoverboard - Guest Vloggers Wanted to Review Mini Segways

Hey guys, looking for some people interested in doing some guest vlogging about their Hoverboard.

After buying several and trying friends boards it's Amazing how different, all these seemingly "the same" boards can be. Some have faster pickup, some have higher speeds, some can be a bit buggy or glitchy.
Looking For Hoverboard Vloggers & Bloggers
Looking For Hoverboard Vloggers & Bloggers

Looking to compile some video reviews of various styles of boards from various sellers and manufacturers to help new buyers decide where to buy. Do you have a classic origional style, a "Lamborghini" style as pictured above or maybe a 10" board with inflatable wheels. We wanna hear from you.

If you're interested in doing a quick 3-5 minute Vlog doing a review and commentary on your hoverboard we'd love to hear from you and would like to add it to our Youtube Channel Hoverboard FAQ.

Also, if you're interested in guest blogging or guest vlogging on our blog or channel on any other Hoverboard related subjects drop us an e-mail at

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