3 Types of Batteries Self Balancing Scooters Have

 5 Things To Look For In A Quality Self Balancing Scooter Hoverboard

Though there's only a few different models of Self Balancing Boards out on the market, the degree of quality between manufacturers spans from wow this is amazing; to I hope this thing doesn't fall apart beneath my feet and throw me to my death.

There's a couple ways to easily check how well a board is put together. If a friend has a board and your considering getting one from the same seller here's a few quick easy things to check to see if the seller puts together quality boards.
Poorly Assembled Board With Knockoff Samsung Battery
Poorly Assembled Board With Knockoff Samsung Battery

1. Paint Job - Is the paint job well done and look like a new car paint job, or is there bubbles and differences in the tone of the coloring of the board? How much quality they put into the plastics and paint will also tell you how well the interior of the board is put together.

2. Screws - Most boards have 9 screws holding the case on each foot platform. Does your board have all the screws in place? It's amazing sellers would try to cut time and cost on screws but they do. About 4 out of 10 boards I've seen are missing 3-4 screws holding the case on the board.

3. Battery - Is the battery a quality Samsung or LG battery or do you have a generic Chinese Battery?

4. Plastic Casing - If you open up your hoverboard and look inside below each foot pad some boards have a plastic box or casing holding the computer boards and pressure sensors while others will just have the board right on the top. Personally I prefer having the computer chips protected in a plastic casing.

5. Battery Box - This may seem trivial but does your boards battery have a plastic casing holding it in place or is it just sitting there with wires randomly poking out?

The above 5 points are 5 very easy things to check on a hoverboard to tell if it was well built and well put together. If you're considering buying a board and are able to check it out or look at a sample look at these elements. It's not perfect but if will give you an idea how much they either spent or skipped on suppliers and how much they cut corners putting these boards together.


  1. How would I know that is a knockoff battery?

  2. How would I know that is a knockoff battery?

  3. How do you know it is a knockoff battery?
