What to look for when Buying a Mini Segway Hoverboard

Someone recently posted a guide on what to look for when purchasing a Mini Segway or Hoverboard. Just wanted to post the guide, the link to the Reddit post, and also come commentary on the article.

I just ordered mine but I almost ran into a few mistakes that I thought I would share:
Figure out what size you want (6.5, 8, or 10 inches) Find out the style you want (the original or x style) Do you want Bluetooth speakers, the remote, bag, and side leds?)

Very true, understand that there are different models of boards. Figure out which you want. The larger the wheel the slower the board, but larger wheels are also more stable over bumps. The common wheel sizes are 6.5", 8", and 10" in which the tires are inflatable. 

Then looks through aliexpress, Amazon, or eBay. 

Best prices will be found on AliExpress and since you can pay by card you have protection of doing a chargeback should you be ripped off. Also, AliExpress has a strong buyer protection program themselves so don't be scared to order from Ali Express.

Typically the cheapest sellers have the lowest quality boards and also don't  have feedback. Personally I would spend a few extra bucks to buy from a seller who has a decent rating.

The board linked to above is a good example of the type you want to buy. The seller has a fair amount of feedback, the board is decent quality and it comes with a carry bag. Though a carry bag to me at first seemed stupid, these boards are heavy and awkward to carry in the sense there's no good place to grab it so I'd highly recommend getting a bag with your board. 

Make sure they don't go cheap on your minisegway: -is it a Samsung battery? -what size motor is it? (350w motor plus for each motor) there's two motors. 

The only way to really know they don't go cheap is to buy from a seller with good ratings. I've bought more expensive boards which were worse quality than cheaper boards. Many who promise a Samsung battery send a regular chinese battery and honestly 99% of people saying they have a Samsung battery are just printing a Samsung sticker and putting it on a Chinese battery. I've talked to several suppliers and all have admitted it's a knockoff battery. 

On aliexpress make sure to ask the sellers: -What the color rims they have to confirm. (if you care about it. I specifically wanted a black minisegway with black pedals and gold rims. Even though a picture shows the exact configuration -what brand battery comes with it? -if the motor size is unclear then make sure to ask

If your very picky about colors, rims, etc be very specific in asking but realize at the end of the day they may just send you something irregardless of what you requested. I have placed several orders and gotten boards a different shade of the color I requested, wrong rims, poor paint jobs, etc. 

Other tips: -no all x style boards are 8inches so look out for that -sometimes the description is very unclear. Make sure to ask the seller -just because there is a seller with lots of orders doesn't mean it's the best. You can easily get it much cheaper since most of the sellers jack up their prices (from what I observed) when they start selling more. One item I was watching went fine a $300 board to $600
It took me about three days of active looking and messaging and I finally placed an order. I ended up having to ask the seller to add a Samsung battery in mine which cost an extra $16. 

As mentioned above, I'd recommend not paying extra for a Samsung battery as chances are that $16 just paid for a "Samsung" sticker to be put on your Chinese Battery. 

Clearly Fake Samsung Battery
Clearly Fake Samsung Battery

I'll update you all when/if I get it! Just make sure they don't skimp on the battery and motor size. 

If you order anymore boards would love to hear how they compare. I've found the same model board can vary greatly between suppliers. 

1 comment:

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