Where To Get Replacement Parts To Fix A Broken Hoverboard? $500 Worth Of Parts ONLY $82

Where To Get Parts For A Self Balance Scooter?

self balance scooter hoverboard replacement parts
Hoverboard Parts Kit

It's no secret that these Hoverboard Self Balancing Scooters can be a bit finicky and prone to malfunctions. Though a variety of issues can arise the most common issues seem to be with the gyroscope aka pressure sensor, the on/off button or the charging port, or the battery. 

Even if you are able to diagnose and fix your hoverboard, many people don't know where to get parts. Even worse the few online shops that sell parts are raking customers over the coals charging $100 for a single pressure sensor box or gyroscope. In reality this part probably costs less than $2 to make.

Below is the best deal I've found thus far on Hoverboard parts. It's a part kit which comes with the following parts...

(1) Motherboard
(1) Bluetooth Board
(1) Charging Cable
(1) Power Cable
(2) LED Lights
(1) Speaker
(2) Gyroscopes 
(2) Power Light Indicators

This is actually a pretty good deal considering most shops are charging $100 for a motherboard, $60 for a bluetooth board, $100 per gyroscope. This kid sells for $82 where as buying these parts all individuallly would cost you over $500 if buying from a Hoverboard Scooter shop.

For those of you who are either handy or have an entrepreneurial streak, after Christmas when people start breaking hoverboards or when they start dying just due to malfuctions and poor craftsmanship there is going to be a huge market for parts and repair.

Whether your looking to start a business selling parts, looking to make a few bucks on the side repairing boards, or whether you have your own broken board you want to fix, this parts kit is a fantastic deal



  1. our the bodies made for the imoto xl

  2. what if my hoverboard stop and does not ride it oly has one light that works and when its on and when its on the green light for both sides re on and im on even on it

  3. what if my hoverboard just stops and does not go it just sits there with one led light on and both green lights are on

  4. The hoverboards I am referring to is the 2 wheeled, self balancing kind. They were first seen in action at the Canton Fair in China, a popular technology fair which has lots of new and cool gadgets being shown off by their producers / inventors. Granted, it got a lot of attention, but clearly no-one quite knew what it was going to become. I
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