Are Fires and Explosions Really A Concern if you Own a Hoverboard Self Balance Scooter?

In the past week I must have gotten nearly a dozen texts, facebook messages, and tweets from family and friends commenting on hoverboards exploding and catching fire.

Is it really a valid concern to have though?

Anything with a lithium ion battery can explode or catch fire. iPhones have been known to explode or blowup while people are talking on them. Kids who play with RC cars and planes have had those explode and start fire. Even power tools with lithium ion battery can explode or catch fire.

So how much more dangerous are hoverboards than these other common devices we use everyday?

This is purely my opinion but I think the fires in the news are kind of overhyped. Millions upon millions of these hoverboards have been sold and there's been a handful of incidences.

Though it is true that quality of batteries and craftsmanship putting these together is lacking on some boards, as long as you don't charge the board when your not home and around, and as long as you don't overcharge your board fires and explosions are really a pretty minor concern in regards to hoverboards.

I've even heard some with conspiracy theories that the fires are media plants put out by IOHawk and other higher priced boards to try to scare people into buying a $1500 board over the cheaper generic chinese boards that sell for $200 on Ali Express.

Do lithium batteries have the ability to cause accidents and start on fire, absolutely they do. If you follow a few safety procedures that you should follow with all battery powered devices it's really not that big of a concern.

What are your thoughts? Leave a comment below. Would the recent news about scooters prevent you from buying one for yourself or your child?

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