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Does your Hoverboard have a Battery which is a Fire Risk? Picture Of Safe & Unsafe Battery

Do You Have A Safe Battery In Your Hoverboard?

Hoverboards despite being the Holiday toy of the year, have also been heavily battered by the media recently for some fires caused by the Self Balance Scooter batteries and chargers. The issue is poorly wired and poorly made batteries which have a risk of starting on fire or exploding.

What Does A Safe Battery Look Like Versus a Unsafe Battery?

Many people get way too hung-up on name brand batteries. People are always tossing around the name Samsung and LG as if that makes a quality battery.  Probably 90% or more of the Hoverboards out there with supposed Samsung batteries are most likely cheap chinese batteries with a fake or counterfeit Samsung or LG sticker slapped on them.

Among those that do have a "real" Samsung battery, it's also very likely the cells on the outside you can see are Samsung and the battery cells within that you can't see are stuffed with cheap chinese batteries.

Regarldess, the fact of the matter is you don't need a Samsung or LG battery, you just need a quality battery.

In the images below we'll show you what a quality battery and a safe battery looks like versus a cheaply made battery which has a risk of starting on fire. 

Cheap Unsafe Battery Versus Safe Properly Wired Battery

The first battery we are looking at below is an example of a cheap, poorly wired battery. As you can see from the picture, all 8 cells on the bottom are wired together and the 4 battery cells on top are all wired together and soldered into a large solder on top of the motherboard. This was done because it was cheaply made and is faster, cheaper, and easier to make a battery this way. It's also an unsafe way to run a battery and a great way to start a fire.

Reason being when batteries are charged as a pack, if one battery cell were to die or stop holding a full charge, it would overcharge another battery it's wired to, to compensate for the cell which isn't properly charging. You now have an overcharged battery cell, and an undercharged battery cell. Both undercharged cells and overcharged cells are a fire hazard. It is also unhealthy for the longterm health of the battery if you want it to continue holding a charge. This battery is running unregulated and is unsafe. 

hoverboard battery fire hazard
Example Of A Poorly Wired Hoverboard Battery - Fire Hazard

In the next photo below we'll see an example of a properly wired battery. The battery in the photo below as you can see every individual cell is individually charged and monitored, as opposed to the photo above where there are 4 cells wired together. In the photo of the safe properly wired battery below if one cell were to fail, other cells would not be overcharged to compensate for that faulty cell. This is an example of a quality properly wired battery which is not a fire hazard like the one above. 

safe samsung hoverboard battery
Example of a Safe Properly Wired Hoverboard Battery - Samsung Battery

Are you worried about whether your Hoverboard battery is safe? Why not pickup a replacement Samsung battery for your hoverboard and have some peace of mind...


  1. where can I buy the safe samsung battery? I want to make sure the one I buy is legit. can you post link of where you got it

    1. I normally grab them off Ali Express but most are sold out and chepaest one is $114. Usually I pay $47 to $80. Here's a quality battery on Amazon.

  2. can I get a link to where you bought the safe battery?

    1. I normally get them off Ali Express for $50 to $80 however those are sold out and the cheapest one on ali express is $114. Here's a Samsung battery on Amazon for under $100. It has one bad review but the reviewer doesn't know what they are talking about, its a quality battery
