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Going to be a lot of Disapointed Kids who don't get Hoverboards for Christmas

There's going to be a lot of disapointed kids who don't get hoverboards for Christmas.

With all the media hype about hoverboards exploding and catching fire, customs has understandably clamped down on allowing hoverboards through. Many self balance scooters will not make it through because they lack certifications, while others who do make it through may not arrive well into January or February because of all the delays.

It's rumored customs is literally going to open up not only every container holding hoverboards, but will literally be opening up every box. With a container holding 700 or more boards, that's going to take a whole lot of time to open up and inspect all those boxes.

To really illustrate the scale of how long this backup is going to take, there are some single importers with over 100,000 units held up in customs and that can be one importer, so times that by however many other importers are out there and you get a picture of how long all these will take to clear.

US Customs doesn't seem to be as strict as the UK, however a recent news story talked about out of 89,000 Hoverboards waiting clearance in the UK, only 9,000 actually were approved and made it through.

We did an article yesterday titled "Why Hoverboard Prices Could Triple By Christmas" and this post today really illustrates the point of why that soon could become a reality. 

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